Aau news on strike

You're referring to the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria!

Here's a quick update:

Background: ASUU, the union representing university lecturers in Nigeria, has been on strike since February 14, 2022, demanding better working conditions, improved funding for public universities, and the implementation of previous agreements with the government.

Key demands:

  1. Improved funding: ASUU wants the government to increase funding for public universities to enable them to provide quality education and infrastructure.
  2. Implementation of agreements: The union is demanding the implementation of previous agreements, including the 2009 FGN-ASUU Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the 2013 MoU.
  3. Renegotiation of the 2009 agreement: ASUU wants the government to renegotiate the 2009 agreement to address issues like salary structure, promotion, and career development.
  4. Visitation panels: The union is demanding the establishment of visitation panels to oversee the management of universities and ensure accountability.

Recent developments:

  1. Government's response: The Nigerian government has been accused of not taking the strike seriously, with some officials saying that the strike is unnecessary and that the government is willing to negotiate.
  2. Court injunction: The National Industrial Court (NIC) has issued an injunction restraining ASUU from continuing the strike, but the union has refused to comply, citing the government's failure to meet its demands.
  3. Student protests: Students have been protesting across the country, demanding that the government resolve the strike and allow them to return to school.
  4. International support: The strike has received international attention, with some organizations and individuals expressing support for the union's demands.


  1. Closure of universities: The strike has led to the closure of all public universities in Nigeria, affecting over 1.5 million students.
  2. Loss of academic calendar: The strike has disrupted the academic calendar, with many students facing uncertainty about when they will be able to resume their studies.
  3. Economic impact: The strike is also having an economic impact, with many businesses and industries affected by the closure of universities.

What's next:

  1. Negotiations: ASUU and the government are expected to continue negotiations to resolve the strike.
  2. Court proceedings: The case is ongoing at the National Industrial Court, and the union may appeal any unfavorable decisions.
  3. Student protests: Students are likely to continue protesting until their demands are met.

I hope this update helps!