Aap news

AAP News is the official news service of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). It provides up-to-date information on pediatric health and medicine, as well as news and resources for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals.

Here are some recent news stories from AAP News:

  1. New guidelines for treating concussions in children: The AAP has released new guidelines for diagnosing and treating concussions in children and adolescents. The guidelines emphasize the importance of a thorough medical evaluation and recommend that children with concussions be removed from play until they are symptom-free.
  2. Vaccines save lives, but misinformation threatens progress: The AAP is urging parents to get their children vaccinated against preventable diseases, despite misinformation and misconceptions about vaccine safety. The organization notes that vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective in preventing serious illnesses.
  3. Breastfeeding benefits extend to brain development: A new study published in the journal Pediatrics found that breastfeeding has a positive impact on brain development in infants, particularly in areas related to language and cognitive development.
  4. Pediatricians play key role in addressing climate change: The AAP is highlighting the importance of pediatricians in addressing climate change, which is having a significant impact on children's health. The organization is urging pediatricians to educate their patients and families about the importance of reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices.
  5. New recommendations for treating ADHD in children: The AAP has released new guidelines for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. The guidelines emphasize the importance of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes behavioral therapy and medication, if necessary.

These are just a few examples of the news and information available from AAP News. The organization provides a wealth of resources for pediatricians, parents, and other healthcare professionals, including news articles, research summaries, and practice guidelines.