Aaa logo 2009 ad new shape

You're referring to the new logo design of AAA (American Automobile Association) introduced in 2009!

The new logo features a stylized, abstract representation of a road, with the letters "AAA" integrated into the design. The logo is meant to evoke the idea of a journey, travel, and the association's role in helping members navigate the road.

Here are some key design elements:

  1. Stylized road: The logo features a curved, wavy line that resembles a road, symbolizing the journey and travel that AAA members undertake.
  2. Integrated letters: The letters "AAA" are incorporated into the design, with the "A"s forming the curves of the road and the "A" in the center serving as a hub.
  3. Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color (#0078FF), which represents trust, reliability, and professionalism.
  4. Simple and modern: The design is clean, simple, and modern, making it easily recognizable and adaptable for various applications, such as signage, advertising, and digital media.

The new logo was designed to better reflect AAA's evolving brand and services, which now extend beyond traditional roadside assistance to include travel planning, insurance, and other benefits.