A x new b x.output

It seems like you're trying to write a simple Python script!

Here's a breakdown of what you've written:

  1. a x: This is a variable assignment, where a is being assigned the value of x. In Python, you can't assign a value to a variable without using the = operator, so this might be a typo.
  2. new: This is a keyword in Python, but it's not being used correctly in this context. new is typically used with the type() function to create a new object.
  3. b x: This is another variable assignment, similar to the first one. Again, you can't assign a value to a variable without using the = operator.
  4. .output: This looks like you're trying to access a property or method called output on an object, but without specifying the object or using the correct syntax.

To fix this, could you please provide more context or clarify what you're trying to achieve? Are you trying to write a script that performs some calculation or operation, or is this part of a larger program?