A word for someone expecting good news

What a great question!

Here are some words that might fit the bill:

  1. Optimist: Someone who expects good things to happen and has a positive outlook.
  2. Hopeful: A person who has a strong desire for something to happen, often with a sense of anticipation.
  3. Expectant: Someone who is waiting for something to happen, often with a sense of anticipation or excitement.
  4. Anticipatory: A person who is looking forward to something, often with a sense of eagerness or enthusiasm.
  5. Enthusiastic: Someone who is excited and optimistic about something, often with a sense of anticipation or expectation.
  6. Eager: A person who is looking forward to something with a sense of anticipation or excitement.
  7. Confident: Someone who has faith in a positive outcome, often with a sense of expectation or anticipation.
  8. Buoyant: A person who is optimistic and enthusiastic, often with a sense of anticipation or expectation.
  9. Sanguine: Someone who is optimistic and hopeful, often with a sense of anticipation or expectation.
  10. Rosy: A person who has a positive and optimistic outlook, often with a sense of anticipation or expectation.

I hope these words help you describe someone expecting good news!