A whole new whole

What an intriguing phrase! "A whole new whole" could be interpreted in many ways. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. A complete transformation: It could mean a radical change or a complete overhaul of something, resulting in a new, improved, or entirely different entity. For example, "The company underwent a whole new whole, emerging as a leading player in the industry."
  2. A unified whole: Alternatively, "a whole new whole" could suggest the integration of disparate parts into a cohesive, harmonious whole. For instance, "The team worked together to create a whole new whole, achieving a level of synergy and success they never thought possible."
  3. A new perspective: Another interpretation could be that "a whole new whole" represents a fresh outlook or a new way of thinking. For example, "The artist's latest exhibition offered a whole new whole, challenging viewers to see the world in a different light."
  4. A paradox: Finally, "a whole new whole" could be seen as a paradox, highlighting the tension between the familiar and the unknown. For instance, "The concept of 'a whole new whole' is a paradox, as it implies both continuity and change, stability and transformation."

Which of these interpretations resonates with you, or do you have a different understanding of "a whole new whole"?