A source of news is

A source of news is:

  1. Newspaper: A printed publication that reports on current events, news, and information.
  2. Online News Website: A website that provides up-to-date news and information on various topics.
  3. Television News Channel: A channel that broadcasts news and current events 24/7.
  4. Radio News Station: A radio station that provides news and information on various topics.
  5. News Agency: An organization that gathers and disseminates news to various media outlets.
  6. Social Media: Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that provide news and information.
  7. Podcast: A digital audio file that provides news and information on various topics.
  8. Online News Aggregator: A website that aggregates news from various sources and provides a summary of the latest news.
  9. News Magazine: A publication that provides in-depth coverage of news and current events.
  10. Online Newsletters: A subscription-based service that provides news and information on specific topics or industries.
  11. News Apps: Mobile apps that provide news and information on various topics.
  12. Online Forums: Online discussion boards where people share news and information on various topics.
  13. Blogs: Personal or professional websites that provide news and information on specific topics.
  14. Online News Databases: Databases that provide access to news articles, research papers, and other information.
  15. News Wire Services: Services that provide news and information to various media outlets.

These are just a few examples of sources of news. There are many more sources available, and the way we consume news is constantly evolving with the advancement of technology.