A reflective account on helping a new employee settle in

Reflective Account: Helping a New Employee Settle In

As a supervisor, I recently had the opportunity to help a new employee, Sarah, settle into her new role at our organization. I was tasked with ensuring her transition was smooth and that she felt supported and prepared to take on her responsibilities. In this reflective account, I will reflect on my experiences and the strategies I used to help Sarah settle in, and identify what I learned from the process.

Initial Impressions

When Sarah first started, I was struck by her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. She was clearly excited to join our team and was eager to get started. However, I also noticed that she seemed a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and tasks that were being thrown her way. As her supervisor, I knew it was my responsibility to help her navigate this initial period and ensure she felt comfortable and confident in her new role.

Strategies Used

To help Sarah settle in, I employed several strategies. First, I made sure to introduce her to the rest of the team and facilitate a meeting with her new colleagues. This helped her feel more connected to the team and gave her an opportunity to ask questions and get to know her new colleagues better. I also provided her with a comprehensive orientation package, which included information about our organization's policies, procedures, and culture.

In addition, I scheduled regular check-ins with Sarah to ensure she was feeling supported and to address any questions or concerns she may have had. These check-ins were informal and relaxed, and allowed us to discuss her progress, goals, and any challenges she was facing. I also made sure to provide her with clear guidance and feedback on her tasks and responsibilities, and offered to help her with any tasks that were outside of her comfort zone.

Reflection and Evaluation

Looking back on the experience, I am proud of the progress Sarah made during her initial period. She quickly became an integral part of the team and was able to take on more responsibilities as she became more confident in her role. I believe that the strategies I used to help her settle in were effective, and that they played a significant role in her success.

One area for improvement that I identified was the need to provide more explicit guidance on our organization's policies and procedures. While I had provided Sarah with a comprehensive orientation package, I realized that she may have benefited from more explicit guidance on specific policies and procedures. In the future, I will make sure to provide more detailed information and answer any questions she may have had.

What I Learned

Through this experience, I learned the importance of providing a supportive and welcoming environment for new employees. I realized that it is not enough to simply provide them with information and tasks; they also need to feel supported and connected to the team. I also learned the value of regular check-ins and feedback, and the importance of being approachable and available to answer questions and provide guidance.

In addition, I learned that every new employee is unique and has their own strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. What worked for Sarah may not work for another new employee, and it is important to be flexible and adaptable in our approach. I also learned that it is important to prioritize the well-being and happiness of new employees, and to ensure that they feel valued and respected.


Helping a new employee settle in is a critical part of the onboarding process, and it requires a thoughtful and intentional approach. By providing a supportive and welcoming environment, regular check-ins and feedback, and explicit guidance on policies and procedures, we can help new employees feel comfortable and confident in their new role. Through this experience, I learned the importance of being flexible and adaptable, and the value of prioritizing the well-being and happiness of new employees. I am excited to apply these lessons to future onboarding experiences and to continue to support and develop the talent within our organization.