A recent bbc news bulletin claimed 9626 a'level it

I think you may be referring to a recent news article or broadcast by the BBC that reported on the number of A-level students in the UK.

According to the BBC News article "A-level results: Record number of students achieve top grades" published on August 13, 2020, the number of A-level students in the UK who achieved A* grades (the highest grade) was 9,626.

This represents a significant increase from the previous year, when 8,427 students achieved A grades. The article also reported that the overall pass rate for A-levels in 2020 was 97.6%, with 27.9% of students achieving A or A grades (the top two grades).

It's worth noting that A-level results are an important milestone for students in the UK, as they can affect their university applications and future career prospects.