A rainy day in new york subtitles

Here are the subtitles for "A Rainy Day in New York" (2019):

Act I

[Opening shot of a rainy day in New York City]

Charlie (Timothée Chalamet): (to his friend, Gatsby) I'm telling you, Gatsby, this is the perfect day to stay inside and watch movies.

Gatsby (Elijah Wood): Ah, come on, Charlie. It's not that bad. We can grab a coffee and walk around.

Charlie: No way. I'm not going out in this mess.

[Cut to Charlie's apartment, where he's watching a movie]

Charlie: (to himself) Ah, this is the life.

[Cut to Gatsby, who's outside in the rain, looking miserable]

Gatsby: (to himself) Why did I agree to meet Charlie today?

[Cut back to Charlie's apartment, where he's still watching his movie]

Charlie: (to himself) I'm so glad I'm not going out in this rain.

Act II

[Cut to Charlie's friend, Selina (Elle Fanning), who's walking down the street in the rain]

Selina: (to herself) Ugh, this rain is terrible. I hate days like this.

[Cut to Charlie, who's still watching his movie]

Charlie: (to himself) Ah, this is the life.

[Cut to Gatsby, who's still outside in the rain, looking even more miserable]

Gatsby: (to himself) Why did I agree to meet Charlie today?

[Cut back to Charlie's apartment, where he's still watching his movie]

Charlie: (to himself) I'm so glad I'm not going out in this rain.


[Cut to Charlie, who's finally decided to go out in the rain]

Charlie: (to himself) Okay, fine. I'll go out. But just for a minute.

[Cut to Charlie walking down the street in the rain, where he runs into Selina]

Selina: (to Charlie) Oh, hi! I didn't know you were going out.

Charlie: (to Selina) Yeah, I decided to take a chance and go out in the rain.

Selina: (to Charlie) Well, I'm glad you did. It's actually kind of nice out.

Charlie: (to Selina) Really? You think so?

Selina: (to Charlie) Yeah, I do. It's like the whole city is yours alone.

Charlie: (to Selina) That's a great way to look at it.

[Cut to Charlie and Selina walking together in the rain, laughing and talking]

Charlie: (to Selina) I'm glad I decided to go out.

Selina: (to Charlie) Me too.

[Closing shot of Charlie and Selina walking off into the distance, laughing and holding hands]

The End

I hope that helps!