A prayer to start new yr in business

Here's a sample prayer to start a new year in business:

A Prayer for a Prosperous New Year in Business

Dear God,

As we enter this new year, we come before you with gratitude and humility. We thank you for the blessings of the past year and for the opportunities that lie ahead.

We acknowledge that our business is not just a means of making a living, but a way to serve others and bring value to our community. We pray that you would guide us as we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the year ahead.

Give us wisdom and discernment as we make decisions that will impact our business and our lives. Help us to stay focused on our goals and to prioritize what is truly important.

May our business be a reflection of your character and values. May we conduct ourselves with integrity, honesty, and compassion. May we be good stewards of the resources you have given us and may we use our talents and abilities to make a positive impact on the world.

We pray for protection and provision for our business. May you shield us from harm and provide for our needs. May our finances be stable and our relationships with customers, employees, and partners be strong and healthy.

As we enter this new year, we commit to working hard, being faithful, and trusting in your goodness and sovereignty. We pray that you would bless our business and use it to bring glory to your name.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Additional Verses to Consider:

Remember to take a moment to reflect on your business goals and priorities, and to seek guidance from God as you move forward into the new year.