A package of information given to new clients

You're referring to a "Welcome Package" or "New Client Package"!

A Welcome Package is a comprehensive document or set of documents that provides new clients with essential information about your business, services, and expectations. Its purpose is to educate, inform, and set the tone for a successful working relationship.

Here are some common items you might include in a Welcome Package:

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of your business, its mission, and values.
  2. Services: A detailed description of the services you offer, including any specific packages or pricing.
  3. Expectations: Clear guidelines on what clients can expect from your services, including communication channels, response times, and project timelines.
  4. Policies: Important policies, such as payment terms, cancellation policies, and confidentiality agreements.
  5. Contact Information: Your contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.
  6. FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that address common concerns or questions clients may have.
  7. Next Steps: A clear outline of what clients need to do next, including any necessary paperwork or setup procedures.
  8. Additional Resources: Links to relevant resources, such as tutorials, guides, or industry reports, that can help clients get the most out of your services.
  9. Communication Channels: Information on how clients can communicate with you, including email, phone, or project management tools.
  10. Support: A statement on the level of support clients can expect, including response times and availability.

The Welcome Package can be delivered in various formats, such as:

  1. Physical package: A printed document or folder sent via mail or in-person.
  2. Digital package: An email or online document sent via email or a client portal.
  3. Video package: A video presentation or tutorial sent via email or a client portal.

Remember to tailor your Welcome Package to your specific business and clients. It's an opportunity to set the tone for a positive and productive relationship.