A new wife's prayer

Here's a prayer that a new wife might say:

Dear God,

I come to you today as a new wife, filled with joy, love, and gratitude. I am so thankful to have found my partner in life, and I am excited to start this new chapter together.

As I begin this journey, I pray that you will guide me and my husband as we navigate the ups and downs of married life. Help us to communicate effectively, to listen to each other, and to support each other through thick and thin.

I pray that we will continue to grow in love and respect for each other, and that our bond will only continue to strengthen over time. Help us to be patient, kind, and understanding with each other, and to always put each other's needs before our own.

I also pray that we will be able to balance our individuality with our unity as a couple. Help us to maintain our own interests, hobbies, and friendships, while also prioritizing our relationship and making time for each other.

As we face challenges and difficulties, I pray that we will be able to lean on each other and on you, our God. Help us to trust in your goodness and your sovereignty, and to know that you are always with us, guiding and directing us.

Finally, I pray that our marriage will be a reflection of your love and your character. Help us to demonstrate your love to each other and to the world around us, and may our marriage be a blessing to all who know us.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.