A new war fanfiction.net

A new War fanfiction.net story! I'd be happy to help you brainstorm and get started.

To get us started, can you tell me a bit more about the story you have in mind? Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What's the main plot or conflict of the story? Is it a character-driven story, or is it more focused on the events of the War universe?
  2. Which characters from the War universe will be featured in your story? Are you focusing on a specific group, like the 212th Attack Battalion, or individual characters like Master Chief or Cortana?
  3. What's the setting for your story? Is it taking place during the events of the original War trilogy, or is it set in a different time period or location?
  4. What themes or ideas do you want to explore in your story? Is it a story about sacrifice, loyalty, or something else?

Feel free to answer any or all of these questions, and I'll do my best to help you develop your idea into a compelling fanfiction.net story!