A new tripartite randomized response technique adebola adepetun 2011

A very specific and technical topic!

The "Tripartite Randomized Response Technique" you're referring to is a method developed by Adebola Adepetun in 2011. Here's a brief overview:

What is the Tripartite Randomized Response Technique?

The Tripartite Randomized Response Technique is a randomized response technique (RRT) used in survey research to collect sensitive information from respondents. RRTs are designed to protect the anonymity of respondents while still allowing researchers to collect accurate data.

How does it work?

In the Tripartite Randomized Response Technique, respondents are presented with three options:

  1. Yes: Respondents are asked to answer the sensitive question truthfully if they have experienced the phenomenon being studied.
  2. No: Respondents are asked to answer "no" regardless of their actual experience with the phenomenon.
  3. Random: Respondents are asked to randomly select one of the two options (yes or no) without considering their actual experience.

The respondent is then asked to respond to the question by selecting one of the three options. The key feature of this technique is that the respondent does not know which option corresponds to the true answer.


The Tripartite Randomized Response Technique has several advantages:

  1. Anonymity: Respondents remain anonymous, as they do not know which option corresponds to the true answer.
  2. Increased response rates: The technique can increase response rates, as respondents feel more comfortable sharing sensitive information.
  3. Improved data accuracy: The technique can provide more accurate data, as respondents are less likely to provide socially desirable responses.


The Tripartite Randomized Response Technique has been applied in various fields, including:

  1. Health research: To collect data on sensitive health behaviors, such as drug use or sexual behavior.
  2. Social sciences: To study sensitive topics, such as crime or political attitudes.
  3. Marketing research: To collect data on consumer behavior and preferences.

Overall, the Tripartite Randomized Response Technique is a useful tool for researchers seeking to collect sensitive information while protecting the anonymity of their respondents.