A new three parameter lifetime distribution

A new three-parameter lifetime distribution! That sounds like an exciting project.

To get started, let's define the problem and the requirements. A lifetime distribution is a probability distribution that describes the time-to-failure of a component or a system. It's a crucial concept in reliability engineering, quality control, and maintenance planning.

A three-parameter lifetime distribution typically has three parameters that control the shape and location of the distribution. The three parameters can be:

  1. Location parameter (μ): This parameter determines the median or the "typical" value of the distribution.
  2. Scale parameter (σ): This parameter controls the spread or dispersion of the distribution.
  3. Shape parameter (α): This parameter determines the shape of the distribution, such as whether it's skewed or symmetric.

Now, let's propose a new three-parameter lifetime distribution. We can call it the "New-Tri" distribution.

New-Tri Distribution

The New-Tri distribution is a continuous probability distribution with three parameters: μ, σ, and α. It's a flexible distribution that can model a wide range of lifetime data.

Probability Density Function (PDF)

The PDF of the New-Tri distribution is:

f(t; μ, σ, α) = (α/σ) * (t - μ)^α * exp(-((t - μ)/σ)^α)

where t is the time-to-failure, μ is the location parameter, σ is the scale parameter, and α is the shape parameter.


The New-Tri distribution has the following properties:


The New-Tri distribution can be used in various applications, such as:


The New-Tri distribution has several advantages:

Future Work

There are several directions for future research:

I hope this gives you a good starting point for your new three-parameter lifetime distribution!