A new thing in the lord

You're referring to a new development or revelation in the Lord's teachings or plans!

In the context of Christianity, the Lord refers to God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. New revelation: Could you be referring to a new understanding or insight into God's Word, perhaps through a fresh reading of Scripture, a sermon, or a personal experience?
  2. New ministry or initiative: Is there a new ministry, outreach, or initiative that the Lord is leading or guiding, perhaps through a church, organization, or individual?
  3. New spiritual awakening: Are you sensing a fresh stirring of the Holy Spirit, leading to a deeper walk with God, a renewed sense of purpose, or a greater awareness of God's presence in your life?
  4. New understanding of a biblical concept: Have you been studying a particular biblical topic or concept, and gained a new perspective or insight that's helping you grow in your faith?

Please feel free to share more about what's on your heart, and I'll do my best to help you explore this new development in the Lord!