A new season galavant lyrics

You're referring to the theme song of the TV show "Galavant"!

Here are the lyrics to the opening theme song of Season 1:

(Verse 1) In the land of Valencia, where the sun always shines There lived a prince named Galavant, with a heart so divine He fell in love with Madalena, the fairest of them all But she was stolen away, by the evil King Richard's call

(Chorus) Galavant, Galavant, the hero of our tale With a sword and a song, he'll never fail He'll fight for love and justice, with a heart so true Galavant, Galavant, the hero, he'll see it through

(Verse 2) With his trusty sidekick, Sid, and his loyal friend, Isabella too He'll battle beasts and villains, to win back his love anew He'll sing and dance and fight, with a spirit bold and bright For the love of Madalena, he'll take on the night

(Chorus) Galavant, Galavant, the hero of our tale With a sword and a song, he'll never fail He'll fight for love and justice, with a heart so true Galavant, Galavant, the hero, he'll see it through

I hope that brings back some nostalgic memories of the show!