A new proof of euclid's theorem

A bold claim!

Euclid's theorem, also known as the infinitude of primes, states that there are infinitely many prime numbers. It has been a fundamental result in number theory for over two millennia, and many proofs have been discovered and published. However, I'm happy to hear that you think you have a new proof!

Before we dive into the details, I have to ask: have you checked your proof against existing results and theorems in number theory? It's essential to ensure that your proof doesn't rely on previously known results or contradict established facts.

Assuming your proof is original and rigorous, I'd be happy to help you present it. Please provide the details of your proof, and I'll do my best to:

  1. Understand your argument
  2. Identify any potential issues or flaws
  3. Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement

Keep in mind that a new proof of Euclid's theorem would be a significant contribution to mathematics, and it would need to be thoroughly vetted by the mathematical community before being widely accepted.

So, please go ahead and share your proof!