A new nigeria by solomon lange

"A New Nigeria" is a popular song by Nigerian gospel singer, Solomon Lange. The song was released in 2019 and has since become a national anthem of sorts, inspiring hope and unity among Nigerians.

The song's lyrics speak to the need for a new Nigeria, one that is free from corruption, poverty, and inequality. Lange sings about the country's potential and the need for its citizens to come together to build a better future.

The song has been widely praised for its message of hope and unity, and has been played at various events and gatherings across the country. It has also been covered by several other artists and has become a popular anthem among Nigerians.

Here are the lyrics to "A New Nigeria" by Solomon Lange:

Verse 1: We are the children of the land We are the ones who will take a stand We are the ones who will make a change We are the ones who will rearrange

Chorus: A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria Where love will reign, where peace will reign Where justice will flow, where equality will flow A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria

Verse 2: We are the ones who will break the chains We are the ones who will rise above the pains We are the ones who will make a new way We are the ones who will seize the day

Chorus: A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria Where love will reign, where peace will reign Where justice will flow, where equality will flow A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria

Bridge: We will not be held back by the past We will not be limited by what we've been told We will rise above the noise and the fray We will build a new Nigeria, a brighter day

Chorus: A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria Where love will reign, where peace will reign Where justice will flow, where equality will flow A new Nigeria, a new Nigeria

Outro: We are the ones who will make it real We are the ones who will make it feel We are the ones who will make a new Nigeria We are the ones who will make it happen.

Overall, "A New Nigeria" is a powerful and uplifting song that inspires hope and unity among Nigerians. Its message of a better future is one that resonates with people from all walks of life, and its catchy melody makes it a popular anthem among Nigerians.