A new name by nana sule

You're referring to the Ghanaian musician Nana Sule!

"Nana Sule" is a popular song by the Ghanaian musician Nana Sule, released in 2020. The song became a massive hit in Ghana and other West African countries, and its catchy chorus and infectious beat made it a fan favorite.

The song's title, "Nana Sule", is a name that is commonly found in Ghanaian culture. "Nana" is a title of respect given to elders, while "Sule" is a common Ghanaian name. In the context of the song, "Nana Sule" is likely a nickname or a term of endearment.

If you're interested in learning more about Nana Sule or Ghanaian music in general, I'd be happy to help!