A new kind of love 123movies

You're looking for a movie titled "A New Kind of Love" to stream on 123Movies!

"A New Kind of Love" is a 1963 American romantic comedy film directed by Robert Walker Jr. The movie stars Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, and Thelma Ritter.

The story follows a fashion designer, Kit Preston (Joanne Woodward), who falls in love with a wealthy businessman, Richard Hardesty (Paul Newman), while on a trip to Paris. However, their social differences and Kit's fear of being tied down make their relationship complicated.

If you're interested in watching "A New Kind of Love" on 123Movies, you can search for the movie on the platform and stream it for free. Please note that 123Movies is an illegal streaming site, and it's always recommended to use legitimate and authorized streaming services to access your favorite movies.

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