A new jetty

A new jetty! That's exciting! A jetty is a great addition to any waterfront property, providing a safe and accessible way to enjoy the water. Here are some things to consider when building a new jetty:

Purpose: What do you want to use the jetty for? Fishing, swimming, kayaking, or just enjoying the views? This will help determine the design and features of the jetty.

Location: Where will the jetty be located? Consider the water depth, currents, and any potential hazards like rocks or underwater structures.

Design: There are different types of jetties, such as:

  1. Simple dock: A basic structure with a flat surface and a railing.
  2. Fishing pier: A longer structure with a sloping surface and fishing lines.
  3. Swimming platform: A flat surface with a ladder or stairs for easy access.
  4. Kayak launch: A ramp or platform for launching kayaks or paddleboards.

Materials: What materials will you use for the jetty? Common options include:

  1. Wood: Durable and aesthetically pleasing, but requires regular maintenance.
  2. Steel: Strong and low-maintenance, but can be expensive.
  3. Composite: A mix of materials, offering a balance of durability and affordability.

Size: How long and wide do you want the jetty to be? Consider the space available and the number of people who will be using it.

Safety features: Don't forget to include safety features like:

  1. Railings: To prevent accidents and falls.
  2. Handrails: For easy access and support.
  3. Non-slip surfaces: To prevent slipping and falling.

Permits and regulations: Check with local authorities to ensure you comply with any regulations or permits required for building a jetty.

Budget: Determine your budget and plan accordingly. Building a jetty can be a significant investment, so it's essential to set a realistic budget and prioritize your needs.

Remember to consult with professionals, such as engineers, architects, or contractors, to ensure your new jetty is safe, functional, and meets your needs.