A new hallelujah by michael w smith mp3

I'd be happy to help you with that!

"A New Hallelujah" is a popular song by Michael W. Smith, and I can provide you with some information on how to get the MP3.

Here are a few options:

  1. Streaming Services: You can stream "A New Hallelujah" on various music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or Google Play Music. Simply search for the song and play it from there.
  2. Digital Music Stores: You can purchase the MP3 of "A New Hallelujah" from online music stores like iTunes, Google Play Music, or Amazon Music. Just search for the song, and you'll be able to download it.
  3. Michael W. Smith's Official Website: You can also purchase the song directly from Michael W. Smith's official website. He often offers digital downloads of his music, including "A New Hallelujah".
  4. YouTube: You can also find the official audio or live performance of "A New Hallelujah" on YouTube. While you won't be able to download the MP3 directly from YouTube, you can use a video downloader or converter to extract the audio.

Remember to always ensure you're downloading from authorized sources to support the artist and respect copyright laws.

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