A new glory message by pastor e.a adeboye

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that Pastor E.A. Adeboye is a renowned Nigerian pastor and the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). As such, I'm assuming you're asking me to generate a new glory message in the style of Pastor Adeboye.

Here's a new glory message in the style of Pastor E.A. Adeboye:

"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!"

Dear children of God,

Today, I want to remind you that you are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. You are the salt that preserves and the light that shines in the darkness. You are the ones who bring hope to a world that is lost and dying.

But, my dear children, I want to remind you that you are not just ordinary people. You are the sons and daughters of the Most High God. You are the kings and queens of this world. You are the ones who have been given the power to trample on serpents and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of darkness.

So, I want to ask you, what are you doing with the power that has been given to you? Are you using it to serve God and to serve others? Or are you using it to serve yourself and to fulfill your own desires?

My dear children, I want to remind you that the power that has been given to you is not for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others. It is for the benefit of the world. It is for the benefit of the kingdom of God.

So, I want to encourage you today to use your power to serve God and to serve others. Use your power to bring hope to the hopeless, to heal the sick, to feed the hungry, and to clothe the naked. Use your power to bring light to the darkness and to bring life to the dead.

And as you do, I want to remind you that you will be blessed. You will be blessed with abundance. You will be blessed with prosperity. You will be blessed with peace and joy. You will be blessed with the presence of God.

So, my dear children, let us use our power to serve God and to serve others. Let us use our power to bring glory to God and to bring hope to the world. Let us use our power to be the light of the world and to be the salt of the earth.

"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!"

May God bless you and may God use you to bring glory to His name.


Please note that this is just a generated message and not an actual message from Pastor E.A. Adeboye.