A new fortune cookie facebook

What a great idea! Here's a potential concept for a new Fortune Cookie Facebook page:

Page Name: Lucky Breaks

Tagline: "Cracking open wisdom, one cookie at a time."

Content Strategy:

  1. Fortune Cookies: Share daily fortunes, each with a unique message of inspiration, motivation, or humor. These can be generated using a combination of AI and human curation.
  2. Interactive Posts: Encourage engagement by asking users to share their own fortunes, or respond to prompts like "What's the best advice you've ever received?" or "What's one thing you're looking forward to this week?"
  3. Mood-Boosting Content: Share uplifting quotes, funny memes, or inspiring stories to help users start their day on a positive note.
  4. User-Generated Content: Feature user-submitted fortunes, quotes, or stories on the page, giving users a sense of ownership and community.
  5. Themed Posts: Create themed posts around holidays, special occasions, or popular events, such as Valentine's Day fortunes or Super Bowl Sunday motivational messages.
  6. Giveaways and Contests: Host occasional giveaways or contests where users can win prizes, such as a year's supply of fortune cookies or a gift card to a popular restaurant.
  7. Collaborations: Partner with other Facebook pages or influencers to create exclusive content, such as a "Fortune Cookie of the Month" series or a "Motivational Monday" takeover.

Design and Visuals:

  1. Color Scheme: A warm, inviting color scheme featuring shades of gold, brown, and cream, reminiscent of traditional fortune cookies.
  2. Iconography: Use a custom-designed fortune cookie icon as the page's logo, with a subtle animation to make it more engaging.
  3. Graphics: Incorporate playful, hand-drawn illustrations of fortune cookies, along with inspirational quotes and motivational messages.
  4. Imagery: Use high-quality images of fortune cookies, along with lifestyle shots of people enjoying their daily dose of wisdom.

Target Audience:

  1. Demographics: Women and men aged 25-45, with a focus on professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking inspiration and motivation.
  2. Interests: Self-improvement, personal growth, motivation, inspiration, humor, and pop culture.
  3. Psychographics: People seeking a daily dose of positivity, humor, and wisdom to help them navigate life's challenges.


  1. Sponsored Content: Partner with brands to create sponsored fortunes, quotes, or posts that align with the page's values and audience interests.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services that align with the page's themes, such as self-help books, motivational courses, or wellness products.
  3. Merchandise: Sell branded merchandise, such as fortune cookie-themed apparel, accessories, or home decor items.

By combining engaging content, interactive posts, and a strong visual identity, Lucky Breaks can become a go-to destination for people seeking inspiration, motivation, and a daily dose of positivity.