A new creation old things are passed away

What a profound and poetic phrase!

The phrase "a new creation, old things are passed away" is likely a reference to the biblical concept of spiritual rebirth and renewal. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, it is written: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

This phrase suggests that when we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we are not just making a intellectual decision or a moral improvement, but we are experiencing a radical transformation, a new creation. Our old self, with its sinful nature and limitations, is passing away, and a new self, created in the image of God, is being born.

This new creation is not just a gradual process of personal growth or self-improvement, but a sudden and dramatic change, a "new birth" that brings with it a new perspective, a new heart, and a new way of living.

In this sense, the phrase "old things are passed away" is not just a metaphorical expression, but a literal truth. The old self, with its habits, desires, and motivations, is truly passing away, and a new self, with its own desires, motivations, and habits, is emerging.

This concept of spiritual rebirth and renewal is a powerful reminder that our salvation is not just about avoiding hell or earning heaven, but about experiencing a deep and transformative relationship with God, and living a life that is characterized by love, joy, and freedom.