A new call to holiness by

You're referring to the apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate" (Rejoice and Be Glad) by Pope Francis, released on March 19, 2018. In this document, Pope Francis calls all Christians to a renewed sense of holiness and encourages them to live out their faith in a more authentic and radical way.

The document is divided into three main parts:

  1. The call to holiness: Pope Francis emphasizes that holiness is not just for a select few, but for all Christians. He encourages readers to recognize that they are called to be saints, and that this call is not just a distant ideal, but a concrete reality that can be lived out in their daily lives.
  2. The path to holiness: Pope Francis outlines the key elements of the path to holiness, including:
    • Contemplation: a deepening of one's relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and contemplation.
    • Conversion: a willingness to let go of sin and to be transformed by the power of God's love.
    • Discernment: the ability to listen to God's voice and to discern His will in one's life.
    • Charity: a commitment to loving and serving others, especially the poor and marginalized.
  3. The challenges to holiness: Pope Francis acknowledges that the path to holiness is not easy, and that there are many challenges that can hinder our progress. He encourages readers to be aware of these challenges, including:
    • The temptation to complacency: the tendency to become comfortable and complacent in our faith, rather than striving for greater intimacy with God.
    • The temptation to worldliness: the tendency to be drawn away from God and towards the things of the world.
    • The temptation to despair: the tendency to lose hope and to give up in the face of challenges and difficulties.

Throughout the document, Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of living out one's faith in a way that is authentic, radical, and joyful. He encourages readers to be bold and courageous in their pursuit of holiness, and to trust in the power of God's love to transform their lives.