A new boy going into a class

The excitement and nervousness of a new student joining a class!

Let's imagine the scene:

The classroom is bustling with chatter and the sound of pencils scratching on paper. The students are all settled in their seats, engaged in their morning activities. Suddenly, the door swings open and a new student walks in. He looks a bit lost, clutching a backpack and gazing around the room with wide eyes.

The teacher, Mrs. Johnson, stands up from her desk and smiles warmly. "Good morning, class! I'd like you all to welcome our new student, Timmy. He's joining us today from another school."

The students turn to look at Timmy, and a few of them nod or wave in greeting. Timmy's face lights up with a shy smile as he takes in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Mrs. Johnson continues, "Timmy, why don't you take a seat over there by the window? You can join us for our morning lesson."

Timmy nods and makes his way to the empty seat, trying to avoid drawing attention to himself. The other students start to whisper to each other, curious about the new student.

As the lesson begins, Mrs. Johnson tries to make Timmy feel more at ease. She asks him about his interests and hobbies, and the other students start to chat with him, asking questions and sharing their own stories.

By the end of the lesson, Timmy is starting to relax and feel more comfortable in his new surroundings. He's made a few new friends, and the other students are welcoming him into the class.

As the day goes on, Timmy starts to feel more confident, and by the end of the day, he's even made a few jokes and laughed with his new classmates. He's excited to come back tomorrow and continue to get to know everyone better.

How do you think Timmy will adjust to his new class and school?