A new born hen

Congratulations on the new addition to your flock!

A newborn hen, also known as a chick, is a precious and adorable little creature. Here are some fun facts about new born hens:

  1. Weight: Newborn hens typically weigh around 2-3 ounces (50-80 grams).
  2. Size: They are about 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) long, including their beak and legs.
  3. Feathers: Newborn hens are covered in soft, fluffy down feathers that help keep them warm.
  4. Eyes: Their eyes are closed at birth, but they start to open around 2-3 days old.
  5. Beak: Their beak is soft and pink, but it starts to harden and turn yellow within a few days.
  6. Legs: Newborn hens have tiny, soft legs that are still developing.
  7. Peeping: Chicks make a high-pitched peeping sound to communicate with their mother and other hens.
  8. Brooding: Mother hens will often brood their chicks, keeping them warm and safe under their wings.
  9. Growth: Newborn hens grow rapidly, doubling their weight within the first week and reaching full size around 6-8 weeks old.

Some tips for caring for a newborn hen:

  1. Keep them warm: Provide a warm, draft-free area for the chicks to snuggle up in.
  2. Monitor temperature: Ensure the temperature is around 90-100°F (32-38°C) for the first week.
  3. Provide food and water: Offer a high-quality starter feed and fresh water at all times.
  4. Keep them clean: Clean the brooder area regularly to prevent disease and keep the chicks healthy.
  5. Monitor health: Keep an eye out for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual droppings.

Remember to handle the chicks gently and carefully, as they are fragile and can be easily injured. With proper care and attention, your newborn hen will grow into a healthy and happy adult hen!