A name for a new meeting

Here are some suggestions for a new meeting name:

  1. Connect: A simple and straightforward name that conveys the purpose of the meeting.
  2. Sync Up: A fun and modern name that implies getting everyone on the same page.
  3. Brainstorm Brew: A playful name that suggests creative thinking and collaboration.
  4. Check In: A friendly and approachable name that emphasizes the importance of regular updates.
  5. Focus Forward: A motivational name that encourages attendees to stay focused and look towards the future.
  6. Collaborate: A name that emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
  7. Update & Discuss: A clear and concise name that outlines the agenda for the meeting.
  8. New Horizons: A name that suggests exploring new ideas and possibilities.
  9. Team Talk: A casual and informal name that implies a relaxed and open discussion.
  10. Progress Report: A name that emphasizes the importance of tracking progress and staying on track.

I hope one of these suggestions sparks some inspiration for your new meeting name!