A naked news

Naked News is a Canadian news program that features anchors and reporters who appear on camera without clothing. The program was launched in 1999 and has been broadcast in various forms since then.

The program's format is unique in that it combines news reporting with a focus on the anchors' and reporters' bodies. The anchors and reporters are typically dressed in minimal clothing, such as lingerie or swimwear, and may also appear without clothing at times.

Naked News has been the subject of controversy and criticism over the years, with some people viewing it as inappropriate or offensive. However, the program has also gained a significant following and has been praised for its unique approach to news reporting.

It's worth noting that Naked News is not a traditional news program in the sense that it does not provide in-depth reporting on current events or issues. Instead, it focuses on lighter, more entertainment-focused content, such as celebrity news and pop culture stories.

If you're interested in learning more about Naked News, I recommend checking out their website or watching some of their videos on YouTube.