A good night text to a new friend

Here are a few ideas for good night texts to send to a new friend:

  1. "Hey, just wanted to say goodnight and thanks for chatting with me today. Looking forward to catching up again soon!"
  2. "Night night, new friend! Hope you're doing well and that we can hang out again soon."
  3. "Goodnight! It was great getting to know you better today. Sweet dreams and talk to you soon!"
  4. "Nighty night! Thanks for being an awesome friend. Can't wait to do it again soon."
  5. "Goodnight, friend! Hope you're having a great night and that we can plan something fun soon."
  6. "Sweet dreams, new friend! It was great meeting you and I'm looking forward to our next adventure together."
  7. "Night night, friend! Thanks for being such a great listener and for being a part of my day. See you soon!"
  8. "Goodnight, friend! Hope you're doing well and that we can catch up again soon. Take care and sweet dreams!"
  9. "Nighty night, friend! It was great chatting with you today. Looking forward to our next conversation."
  10. "Goodnight, friend! Hope you're having a great night and that we can plan something fun soon. Take care and sweet dreams!"

Remember to keep your good night text friendly and casual, and to include a personal touch that shows you're interested in getting to know your new friend better.