A client wants to promote her new mobile app

Exciting! Promoting a new mobile app can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some strategies to help your client promote her new mobile app:


  1. Build a landing page: Create a dedicated website for the app, where users can learn more about the app, its features, and benefits.
  2. Social media buzz: Create a buzz on social media platforms by sharing engaging content, behind-the-scenes insights, and sneak peeks of the app.
  3. Influencer partnerships: Reach out to influencers in the app's niche to collaborate and promote the app to their followers.
  4. Content marketing: Create informative blog posts, videos, or podcasts that showcase the app's features and benefits.

Launch Day

  1. Press release: Distribute a press release to media outlets, highlighting the app's unique features and benefits.
  2. Social media blast: Share the app's launch on social media platforms, using relevant hashtags and tagging influencers.
  3. Email marketing: Send a newsletter to subscribers, announcing the app's launch and offering exclusive promotions.
  4. App store optimization: Optimize the app's listing on the app store with relevant keywords, descriptions, and screenshots.


  1. User engagement: Encourage users to provide feedback, ratings, and reviews to improve the app and increase visibility.
  2. Content updates: Regularly update the app with new features, content, and bug fixes to keep users engaged.
  3. Paid advertising: Run targeted ads on social media, Google Ads, or app stores to reach a wider audience.
  4. Influencer takeovers: Partner with influencers to take over their social media accounts and promote the app to their followers.
  5. App store promotions: Run promotions, such as discounts or free trials, to drive downloads and increase visibility.
  6. PR and outreach: Reach out to media outlets, bloggers, and industry experts to share the app's story and features.
  7. Analytics and tracking: Monitor the app's performance using analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or Firebase, to identify areas for improvement.

Additional Ideas

  1. Host a contest or giveaway: Run a contest or giveaway to generate buzz and encourage users to share the app with their friends.
  2. Partner with other businesses: Collaborate with other businesses or apps to offer exclusive promotions or bundles.
  3. Create a referral program: Implement a referral program that rewards users for inviting friends to download the app.
  4. Develop a loyalty program: Develop a loyalty program that rewards users for continued engagement with the app.
  5. Host a webinar or online event: Host a webinar or online event to showcase the app's features and benefits to a wider audience.

Remember, promoting a mobile app is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and creativity. By implementing these strategies, your client can increase visibility, drive downloads, and build a loyal user base for her new mobile app.