A child doing news

What a fun idea! Here's a script for a child doing a news broadcast:

Title: "Kid's News Network"

Intro music plays

Anchor child, Timmy (age 8), appears on screen with a big smile

Timmy: "Hello, hello! Welcome to the Kid's News Network! I'm your anchor, Timmy, and I'm so excited to bring you the latest news from around the world... or at least, from my backyard!"

Cut to a graphic with the day's headlines

Timmy: "First up, did you know that the sun is shining brightly today? I mean, it's not like it's a surprise or anything, but it's still pretty cool! And speaking of cool, my friend Emma just got a new puppy, and it's so adorable!"

Cut to a video of Emma's puppy playing

Timmy: "But wait, there's more! My mom just made the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and I'm pretty sure it's the best thing I've ever tasted. I mean, have you ever tried using crunchy peanut butter? Game-changer!"

Cut to a shot of Timmy taking a bite of his sandwich

Timmy: "And in other news, my little sister just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! I'm so proud of her... even though she still needs to work on not running into me all the time."

Cut to a video of Timmy's sister riding her bike

Timmy: "That's all for today, folks! Thanks for watching the Kid's News Network. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for more exciting updates from my backyard... or maybe even the park if I'm feeling adventurous!"

Outro music plays

Timmy: "And remember, always be kind to your siblings, and never underestimate the power of a good PB&J sandwich!"

The camera cuts off, and the broadcast ends

I hope you enjoyed this silly kid's news broadcast!