A chart for news dessemination through a medium

Here is a chart for news dissemination through a medium:

Medium | News Dissemination Path | Examples

Print Media | AuthorEditorPublisherDistributionReader | Newspaper, Magazine, Book

Electronic Media | ProducerEditorStation/NetworkTransmissionViewer/Listener | Television, Radio, Online News Sites

Social Media | UserPostAlgorithmFeedFollower | Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn

Online News Sites | AuthorEditorWebmasterServerUser | Online News Sites, Blogs, News Aggregators

Wire Services | ReporterEditorWire ServiceSubscriberNewspaper/TV/Radio | Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse

Government/Official Sources | OfficialPress OfficeReleaseMediaPublic | Government Press Releases, Official Statements, White House Briefings

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) | SpokespersonPress OfficeReleaseMediaPublic | Human Rights Organizations, Environmental Groups, Charities

Influencers | InfluencerPostAlgorithmFeedFollower | Social Media Influencers, Bloggers, Podcasters

Word of Mouth | SourceConversational PartnerConversational Partner...Recipient | Personal Conversations, Rumors, Gossip

This chart illustrates the various paths that news can take from its origin to its dissemination to the public. Each medium has its own unique characteristics, such as the role of editors, algorithms, and transmission methods, that affect the way news is disseminated.