9ice new album video

You're a fan of the legendary Nigerian musician, 9ice!

As of my knowledge cutoff, 9ice has not released a new album recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular songs and music videos that you might enjoy:

  1. "Gongo Aso" (2008) - This is one of his most popular songs, and the music video is a classic.
  2. "Arapa" (2010) - Another hit song with a catchy beat and memorable lyrics.
  3. "Living Things" (2014) - A more recent song with a fusion of traditional Yoruba music and contemporary Afrobeats.
  4. "Pursuit of Happiness" (2018) - A feel-good song with a positive message.

If you're looking for new music from 9ice, you can check out his official social media channels or music streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music. He often releases new singles and collaborations with other artists.

Let me know if you have any specific preferences or if there's anything else I can help you with!