94 year old ugandan father of 100 marries four new wives

I think there may be some misinformation here!

While it's true that polygamy is legal in Uganda, and some men in the country do have multiple wives, it's highly unlikely that a 94-year-old man would marry four new wives.

Firstly, at 94 years old, the man would likely be considered elderly and may not be physically or mentally capable of taking on the responsibilities of multiple wives.

Secondly, marrying four new wives would require significant financial resources, which may not be feasible for a 94-year-old man.

Lastly, it's important to note that polygamy is not without controversy, and many people in Uganda and around the world have differing opinions on the practice.

It's possible that this story is an exaggeration or a misunderstanding. If you have any more information or a credible source for this story, I'd be happy to help clarify things!