929 doctor new york yahoo.com

It looks like you're searching for a doctor in New York City. Here are a few options:

  1. 929 Doctor: I couldn't find a specific doctor or medical practice with this name. However, I did find a few medical practices in New York City that have a similar name or phone number. If you're looking for a specific doctor or medical practice, please let me know and I can try to help you find it.
  2. New York City Doctors: If you're looking for a doctor in New York City, you can try searching online directories like:
  3. Yahoo Search: If you're looking for a specific doctor or medical practice in New York City, you can try searching on Yahoo using keywords like "doctors in New York City" or "primary care physicians in NYC". You can also try searching for specific medical conditions or specialties, such as "cardiologists in NYC" or "pediatricians in Brooklyn".

Remember to always research and verify the credentials of any doctor or medical practice before scheduling an appointment.