8 recent new inventions

Here are 8 recent new inventions (from the past few years):

  1. Foldable Smartphones: Samsung and Huawei have introduced foldable smartphones that can be folded and unfolded like a book. These devices have a larger screen area than traditional smartphones and offer a new way to interact with mobile devices. (Introduced in 2019)
  2. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Headband: The Neurable BCI headband is a non-invasive, wearable device that allows users to control digital devices with their brain signals. It uses electroencephalography (EEG) sensors to detect brain activity and translate it into commands. (Introduced in 2018)
  3. 3D-Printed Organs: Scientists have developed a method to 3D print functional organs, such as kidneys and livers, using a combination of biomaterials and stem cells. This technology has the potential to revolutionize organ transplantation. (Introduced in 2019)
  4. Smart Contact Lenses: Mojo Vision has developed smart contact lenses that can display digital information, such as text messages and emails, directly onto the wearer's field of vision. The lenses use a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) display and can be controlled by eye movements. (Introduced in 2020)
  5. Artificial Pancreas: The Medtronic MiniMed 670G is an artificial pancreas system that can automatically monitor blood sugar levels and adjust insulin doses to maintain healthy levels. It is the first FDA-approved artificial pancreas system for people with type 1 diabetes. (Introduced in 2016)
  6. Self-Healing Materials: Researchers have developed self-healing materials that can repair themselves after being damaged. These materials use microcapsules that contain a healing agent, which is released when the material is damaged. (Introduced in 2019)
  7. Portable COVID-19 Test Kit: The Abbott ID Now COVID-19 test kit is a portable, rapid diagnostic test that can detect COVID-19 in just 5 minutes. It uses a nasal swab sample and is designed for use in healthcare settings and at home. (Introduced in 2020)
  8. Exoskeleton Suit for Paralysis: The Ekso Bionics exoskeleton suit is a wearable device that can help people with paralysis or spinal cord injuries to walk again. It uses sensors and motors to assist the wearer's movements and can be controlled by the wearer's thoughts. (Introduced in 2019)

These are just a few examples of the many new inventions that have been developed in recent years. They demonstrate the incredible innovation and progress being made in various fields, from healthcare and technology to materials science and beyond.