702 broad street new castle auto part 47362

It looks like you're searching for information about a business located at 702 Broad Street, New Castle, IN 47362.

According to online directories and reviews, the business at this address is likely an auto parts store. Here are a few possible options:

  1. AutoZone: This is a popular auto parts retailer with a location at 702 Broad St, New Castle, IN 47362. They offer a wide range of auto parts and accessories, as well as services like battery testing and wiper blade replacement.
  2. O'Reilly Auto Parts: Another well-known auto parts retailer, O'Reilly Auto Parts has a location at 702 Broad St, New Castle, IN 47362. They offer a variety of auto parts, tools, and accessories, as well as services like oil changes and brake repairs.

Please note that it's always a good idea to verify the business hours, services, and availability of specific products before visiting. You can do this by visiting the business's website, calling them directly, or checking online review sites like Yelp or Google Maps.