700 club news today

The 700 Club is a Christian news program that airs on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). Here are the top stories from today's broadcast:

Top Story: "Ukraine Crisis: Christians Under Attack"

The 700 Club reports on the escalating violence in Ukraine, where Christian churches and believers are being targeted by pro-Russian separatists. CBN News correspondent George Thomas shares eyewitness accounts from the region, highlighting the bravery of Ukrainian Christians who are standing strong in the face of persecution.

Breaking News: "North Korea Detains American Citizen"

The 700 Club reports that North Korea has detained an American citizen, Kim Hak-song, on charges of "hostile acts" against the government. This comes just days after the country released three other American detainees. CBN News correspondent Gary Lane provides an update on the situation and the efforts of the US government to secure the release of the detained American.

International News: "Egyptian Christians Face Persecution"

The 700 Club reports on the growing persecution of Christians in Egypt, where churches have been attacked and believers have been arrested and imprisoned. CBN News correspondent Heather Sells shares the stories of Egyptian Christians who are facing increasing hostility and violence.

US News: "Supreme Court Rules on Church-State Separation"

The 700 Club reports on a recent Supreme Court ruling that has sparked debate over the separation of church and state. The court ruled that a Missouri church is eligible for state funding to repair its damaged playground, despite the state's "Blaine Amendment" which prohibits the use of public funds for religious purposes. CBN News correspondent Mark Martin provides analysis on the implications of the ruling.

Inspiration: "Faith in the Face of Adversity"

The 700 Club features an inspiring story of faith and perseverance from a Christian who has faced incredible challenges. CBN News correspondent Wendy Griffith shares the story of a woman who was diagnosed with a terminal illness, but instead of giving up, she chose to trust in God and find purpose in her suffering.

These are just a few of the top stories from today's broadcast of the 700 Club. For more news and inspiration, you can watch the program on the CBN website or on the CBN News app.