70 rc result news and speculations 2018

You're referring to the 2018 Royal Commission (RC) into the banking and financial services industry in Australia!

Here's a summary of the key findings, news, and speculations surrounding the RC's report, which was released on February 4, 2019:

Key Findings:

  1. Cultures of greed and arrogance: The RC found that many banks and financial institutions prioritized profits over people, leading to a culture of greed and arrogance.
  2. Systemic issues: The RC identified systemic issues, including a lack of accountability, inadequate governance, and a failure to comply with laws and regulations.
  3. Financial exploitation: The RC found that many customers were financially exploited, including small businesses, farmers, and individuals who were charged excessive fees, interest rates, and charges.
  4. Lack of transparency: The RC criticized the lack of transparency in banking practices, including the use of complex financial products and the failure to disclose fees and charges.


  1. Commissioner's criticism: Commissioner Kenneth Hayne QC criticized the banks for their behavior, saying they had "failed to respect the law" and had "failed to respect their customers".
  2. Banking CEOs' apologies: The CEOs of the major banks (Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, National Australia Bank, and ANZ) apologized for their institutions' behavior and acknowledged the need for change.
  3. Government response: The Australian government announced a range of reforms, including the establishment of a new financial regulator, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), and increased penalties for non-compliance.


  1. Banking sector overhaul: Many experts believe that the RC's findings will lead to a significant overhaul of the banking sector, including changes to governance, culture, and regulation.
  2. Increased regulation: The RC's report has sparked calls for increased regulation of the banking sector, including stricter penalties for non-compliance and greater transparency in banking practices.
  3. Impact on financial services industry: The RC's findings may also have implications for other financial services industries, such as insurance and superannuation, which may face increased scrutiny and regulation.
  4. Potential for class actions: The RC's report has also raised the possibility of class actions against the banks, with many customers potentially eligible to seek compensation for financial losses.

Overall, the RC's report has sent shockwaves through the banking and financial services industry, leading to widespread criticism and calls for change. The implications of the report are likely to be far-reaching, with significant changes expected in the way banks and financial institutions operate in the future.