64 essex st new york new york 10002

A specific address!

64 Essex St, New York, NY 10002 is located in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Here are a few things you might want to know about this address:

  1. Location: The address is situated on the south side of Essex Street, between Delancey and Hester Streets. It's a busy commercial area with a mix of shops, restaurants, and residential buildings.
  2. Neighborhood: The Lower East Side is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood with a rich history. It's known for its tenement buildings, street art, and eclectic mix of cultures.
  3. Transportation: The nearest subway stations are the F, J, M, Z trains at Delancey Street-Essex Street, and the B, D, N, Q, R, W trains at Canal Street. You can also take the M15 bus or the East Side Ferry to get around.
  4. Amenities: The area has plenty of amenities, including grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, and shops. You'll find everything from Asian markets to vintage clothing stores.
  5. Housing: The building at 64 Essex St is a residential building with apartments for rent or sale. The neighborhood is popular with young professionals, families, and artists.

If you're planning to visit or move to this address, I hope this information helps!