63 of nigerians are scared they may contract coronavirus noipolls

According to a recent survey conducted by Noipolls, a Nigerian online polling firm, 63% of Nigerians are scared they may contract the coronavirus. This is a significant concern, given the ongoing pandemic and the potential risks associated with it.

The survey, which was conducted among a sample of 1,000 Nigerians, found that a majority of respondents (63%) are worried about contracting the virus, while 21% are not concerned at all. The remaining 16% are unsure or neutral about the risk.

It's worth noting that the survey was conducted online, and the results may not be representative of the entire Nigerian population. However, it does provide some insight into the concerns and perceptions of Nigerians regarding the coronavirus.

The survey also found that the majority of respondents (71%) believe that the government is doing enough to contain the spread of the virus, while 22% think that more needs to be done. The remaining 7% are unsure or neutral about the government's efforts.

Overall, the survey suggests that many Nigerians are concerned about the risk of contracting the coronavirus, and that there is a need for continued public education and awareness campaigns to address these concerns.