62 new zealand controller pii_email_72f43de97d3ab68bb98c gmail.com pdf

It looks like you're trying to access a PDF file that's being blocked by a New Zealand controller due to privacy and security concerns.

The email address [email protected] is likely a temporary email address used by the controller to send the PDF file. The pii_email_ prefix is a common indicator of a temporary email address used by Microsoft Outlook to send emails.

To access the PDF file, you may need to contact the New Zealand controller directly and ask them to provide the file or provide an alternative way to access it. You can try contacting them through their official website or by sending an email to their customer support team.

Here are some steps you can take to try and access the PDF file:

  1. Check the controller's website: Look for the controller's website and see if they have a section for downloading PDF files or if they provide a link to access the file.
  2. Contact the controller's customer support: Reach out to the controller's customer support team and ask them if they can provide the PDF file or provide an alternative way to access it.
  3. Check your email filters: Make sure that your email filters are not blocking the email from the controller. You can try adding the controller's email address to your safe senders list or white list to ensure that you receive the email.
  4. Check for any attachments: If the email contains an attachment, make sure that it's not blocked by your email provider or antivirus software.

Remember to always be cautious when downloading files from unknown sources, and make sure that you have the necessary permissions and approvals before accessing any files.