6 element of news

The 5 Ws and 1 H of journalism, also known as the 6 elements of news, are:

  1. Who: Who is involved in the story? This includes individuals, groups, or organizations that are central to the news.
  2. What: What happened? This is the main event or action that is being reported.
  3. When: When did it happen? This includes the date, time, and any relevant timing information.
  4. Where: Where did it happen? This includes the location, setting, or context in which the event occurred.
  5. Why: Why did it happen? This includes the reasons, motivations, or causes behind the event.
  6. How: How did it happen? This includes the methods, processes, or circumstances surrounding the event.

These 6 elements of news help journalists and writers to gather and present information in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for readers or listeners to understand the story.