52 digit new chart of account and budget classification

Here is a sample 52-digit chart of accounts and budget classification:

Chart of Accounts:

  1. Assets
    • 1000 Cash and Cash Equivalents
    • 1010 Petty Cash
    • 1020 Bank Accounts
    • 1030 Investments
    • 1040 Accounts Receivable
    • 1050 Inventory
    • 1060 Prepaid Expenses
    • 1070 Other Assets
  2. Liabilities
    • 2000 Accounts Payable
    • 2010 Accrued Expenses
    • 2020 Loans Payable
    • 2030 Taxes Payable
    • 2040 Other Liabilities
  3. Equity
    • 3000 Common Stock
    • 3010 Retained Earnings
    • 3020 Treasury Stock
    • 3030 Other Equity
  4. Revenues
    • 4000 Sales
    • 4010 Service Revenue
    • 4020 Interest Income
    • 4030 Dividend Income
    • 4040 Other Revenues
  5. Expenses
    • 5000 Cost of Goods Sold
    • 5010 Operating Expenses
    • 5020 Selling and Marketing Expenses
    • 5030 General and Administrative Expenses
    • 5040 Research and Development Expenses
    • 5050 Other Expenses
  6. Capital Expenditures
    • 6000 Property, Plant, and Equipment
    • 6010 Intangible Assets
    • 6020 Other Capital Expenditures

Budget Classification:

  1. Personnel
    • 1.1 Salaries and Wages
    • 1.2 Employee Benefits
    • 1.3 Training and Development
  2. Operating Expenses
    • 2.1 Rent and Utilities
    • 2.2 Insurance
    • 2.3 Travel and Entertainment
    • 2.4 Office Supplies and Equipment
  3. Marketing and Sales
    • 3.1 Advertising and Promotion
    • 3.2 Sales Commissions
    • 3.3 Trade Shows and Events
  4. Research and Development
    • 4.1 Research Expenses
    • 4.2 Development Expenses
  5. Capital Expenditures
    • 5.1 Property, Plant, and Equipment
    • 5.2 Intangible Assets
  6. Other Expenses
    • 6.1 Miscellaneous Expenses
    • 6.2 Contingency Funds

Note that this is just a sample chart of accounts and budget classification, and you may need to modify it to fit your specific organization's needs. Additionally, you may want to consider using a more detailed and granular classification system to better track and manage your finances.