500 startup new intake

Congratulations on being part of the new intake at 500 Startups!

As a new startup in the 500 Startups family, you're about to embark on an exciting journey with a global network of entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors. Here are some key things to know and do:

What is 500 Startups?

500 Startups is a global venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups. They have a portfolio of over 2,000 companies across 75 countries, with a focus on technology, e-commerce, and fintech.

What does the program entail?

As a new startup in the 500 Startups program, you can expect:

  1. Investment: 500 Startups will invest in your company, providing capital to help you grow and scale.
  2. Mentorship: You'll have access to a network of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts who can offer guidance and support.
  3. Networking: You'll be part of a global community of startups, investors, and partners, providing opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and deal flow.
  4. Resources: You'll have access to a range of resources, including office space, networking events, and training programs.
  5. Portfolio support: 500 Startups will provide support to help you navigate the startup journey, including help with fundraising, hiring, and scaling.

What are the expectations?

As a startup in the 500 Startups program, you're expected to:

  1. Be committed to growth: You should be focused on scaling your business and achieving significant growth.
  2. Be open to feedback: You should be willing to receive feedback and guidance from 500 Startups' mentors and partners.
  3. Be active in the community: You should participate in networking events, contribute to the community, and engage with other startups and partners.
  4. Meet milestones: You should meet specific milestones and deliverables, as agreed upon with 500 Startups.

What are the benefits?

As a startup in the 500 Startups program, you can expect:

  1. Access to capital: You'll have access to funding to help you grow and scale your business.
  2. Mentorship and guidance: You'll have access to experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts who can offer guidance and support.
  3. Networking opportunities: You'll be part of a global network of startups, investors, and partners, providing opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and deal flow.
  4. Resources and support: You'll have access to a range of resources, including office space, networking events, and training programs.

What's next?

Now that you're part of the 500 Startups program, here are some next steps to consider:

  1. Get familiar with the program: Take some time to learn more about the program, its resources, and its expectations.
  2. Meet with your mentor: Schedule a meeting with your assigned mentor to discuss your goals, challenges, and expectations.
  3. Start networking: Attend networking events, join online communities, and connect with other startups and partners in the 500 Startups network.
  4. Focus on growth: Use the resources and support provided by 500 Startups to focus on growing and scaling your business.

Congratulations again on being part of the 500 Startups family!