50 new words

Here are 50 new words for you to learn:

  1. Perspicacious (having a keen understanding and insight)
  2. Ennui (a feeling of listlessness and boredom)
  3. Fastidious (meticulous and demanding in one's standards)
  4. Garrulous (talkative and loquacious)
  5. Heterogeneous (diverse and varied)
  6. Insouciant (carefree and nonchalant)
  7. Jocular (good-natured and humorous)
  8. Kaleidoscopic ( constantly changing and multicolored)
  9. Lassitude (a feeling of weariness and lack of energy)
  10. Mellifluous (having a smooth and sweet sound)
  11. Nefarious (wicked and evil)
  12. Obfuscate (to make something unclear or difficult to understand)
  13. Papillon (a type of butterfly)
  14. Quixotic (romantic and idealistic)
  15. Reclusive (shy and avoiding social contact)
  16. Sagacious (having keen discernment and good judgment)
  17. Tintinnabulation (a ringing or tinkling sound)
  18. Ubiquitous (present everywhere at the same time)
  19. Vigilant (watchful and attentive)
  20. Whimsy (a feeling or mood of lighthearted, fanciful, or playful humor)
  21. Xanthosis (a yellowish discoloration of the skin)
  22. Yonder (at a distance, either physically or metaphorically)
  23. Zephyr (a gentle, mild breeze)
  24. Abstruse (difficult to understand; obscure)
  25. Callipygian (having well-shaped buttocks)
  26. Defenestration (the act of throwing someone or something out of a window)
  27. Ephemeral (lasting for a very short time)
  28. Flaneur (a person who enjoys wandering around and observing life)
  29. Gymnosophy (the study of the nature of reality and the universe)
  30. Heliotropism (the phenomenon of plants turning their leaves towards the sun)
  31. Insularity (the quality of being isolated or detached)
  32. Jargonelle (a type of pear)
  33. Kibosh (to put an end to something)
  34. Liminal (of or relating to a transitional phase or state)
  35. Mumpsimus (a stubborn person who insists on doing something their own way)
  36. Nihilism (the belief that life has no meaning or purpose)
  37. Oculus (the eye or a part of the eye)
  38. Paprika (a sweet or smoked powder made from bell peppers)
  39. Quandary (a state of uncertainty or indecision)
  40. Reclusive (shy and avoiding social contact)
  41. Selenite (a type of crystal)
  42. Torsion (a twisting or turning motion)
  43. Uxoricide (the act of murdering one's wife)
  44. Velleity (a mild or slight desire)
  45. Wamble (to walk or move unsteadily)
  46. Xanthoma (a yellowish deposit of fat in the skin)
  47. Yoke (a wooden frame used to join two animals together)
  48. Zymurgy (the study of fermentation in brewing)
  49. Aberrant (deviating from the normal or expected)
  50. Cacophony (a harsh, discordant sound)

I hope you find these words interesting and useful!